Quality Over Quantity (Less Can Be More)

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Quality Over Quantity (Less Can Be More)

Quality Over Quantity (Less Can Be More)

As digital marketers we are expected to keep up. We must be up-to-date on the latest trends and functions of platforms, on new updates or features on social media apps available. Demand generation marketing is all about providing fresh, personalized content that is relevant for leads and prospects.

To get a balance among quality content and having sufficient quantity to successfully increase demand generation, businesses should focus on planning ahead, telling their story, and engaging with their audience.

People are overwhelmed with online information from morning till night. Generating quality content acids to make sure your brand and business stand out from all the noise.

Below are some tips to connect with your audience through quality content.

Plan ahead

Content calendars work as a map to place out a thought leadership strategy to produce content pieces that focus on different themes and seasonal topics. Ensuring you are making a variety of attractive content pieces from blogs to infographics, video or even eBooks. Have in mind that you want to leave some free space for spontaneity. It is always important to have a plan in order for you to know what topics and themes you will attack.

Tell your story

Come up with a unique material that only you can provide!

Develop an exclusive content that aims your customer’s business challenges and giving solutions by telling your story. Interviewing your employees, sharing success stories of your clients stories of client success will help you develop a special content .

Focus on engagement

When viewers need and wait for authenticity and transparency, quality content wins.

When trying to increase brand awareness it is better when gaining a large following. If these followers aren’t engaging with your content, they won’t stay around, and if they are not interacting with your content frequently, they would not see it consistently.

Be careful of oversharing

Posting content frequently does not guarantee you that it will get through. Only small amount of ads catches the eye daily. Frequent posting may turn off customers and view your brand as a spammy. It may originally increase traffic to your site but it does not necessarily mean in a high conversion rate.

Know your target audience

Gathering information on your consumers in advance such as : who are your consumers?, where to they spend their time?, where do they get their information?, it will help you to determine where do you want to spend your efforts and money. Work on making targeted, strategic, and appropriate content on your viewers’ platforms than trying to grasp a generalized audience.

Consistency is key

The best key is the continuously building your relationship with your consumers. Must build on the momentum and post consistently. It is thrilling seeing a post that you sweat for it getting the attention and engagement it deserves.

Make it a positive user experience

We all know one bad customer experience can be damaging and spread like wildfire. Still, a satisfied customer can also impact a brand’s success as approvals, and user-generated feedback are well acknowledged in buying decisions.

Marketing products, brands, and services need an actual digital strategy that contains quality content, but user experience plays a significant role. Regularly, brands give attention more on the product and content than they do the customer.

Use a Tool for Quantitative Assessment

There tools that can support if your content is reaching the highest point. Such as tools is Clearscope, which will give you understandings on your page based on the topic you are focused on, as well as page length and what to pics you might have forgotten to include. SEMRush and its tool available can help you evaluate content you’ve already got published.


The key to  digital marketing quality over quantity it starts with the approach. Get to know the value of what your brand is about and what it really offers and how it goes with your client desires. With quality driving your strategy  than of quantity, you can be sure that you make the right kind of influence with your content. Effective content marketing is posting quality content, regularly. Postings are important to be relevant and engaging for you customers.

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