Marketing Funnel Stages

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Marketing Funnel Stages

Marketing Funnel Stages

“Stages of the marketing funnel”, full-funnel approach,” and “stages of the buyer’s journey” are type of phrases that you are going to hear in the marketing sector over and over again. All referring to the digital marketing funnel, also called the digital sales funnel.

Below we are going to go over the four stages of the marketing funnel.


Is the stage when users have the first pick of your brand. They find out about you from a friend, Facebook ad, Shopping ad or while searching online.

The acquisition campaigns for many customers start at the discovery stage. Their aim is to connect with cold audiences In order to capture their interest, and push to the next stage.

To be able to have a strong point at the discovery stage of the digital marketing funnel you may consider for example the following campaigns:

· Run ads on Facebook, Linkedln, Pinterest

· Set up Google Search Ads

· Build SEO through content marketing

· TikTok, Instagram

Research and Consideration

In this stage of the customers journey, the purchasing consideration exists as well as the research of the particular brand and product together with other competitors. Make sure to give as much information to stand out, while also building trust at this stage.

Is good to consider the following campaigns to create for the research and consideration stage of the sales funnel:

· Create lead magnets like checklists, eBooks or webinars

· Have an email opt-in box on your site

· Run retargeting ads to show offers or lead ads

· Free trial of products


The main stage to focus on. Users make the decision to buy and they do so. At this part you can outline the worth of all the campaigns you’ve created.

· Retargeting campaigns

· Offer discounts by email

· Pop-ups, banners

Loyalty and Retention

Customer achievement is costly, it is better to retain them than to acquire them. Repeated customers are more willing to spend money and more because trust already exists. Mainly this stage is to  build continual and ongoing relationships with the customers.

You may consider the following campaigns in order to provide loyalty an retention of the marketing funnel:

· Have recommendation programs marketed to these customers, incentivizing them to share more and then buy when prize drops.

· Generate re-engagement campaigns from email and social media ads in order to remind users to buy, or re-engage customers with         discounts after a set period of time

· Cross-selling, to show customers recommended products based on past purchases.

Discovery, Research &Consideration, Purchase, Loyalty & Retention, are the four stages on the Marketing Funnel, together with recommended types of campaigns that you may consider implementing in each one.

Having different touchpoints at each stage it is important, to make sure that you managed to capture as many users as possible.

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